See Pamela Yellen on CNN’s HLN – California Edition (5 minutes), 2010
Pamela Yellen interviewed on CNN HLN (Charter Edition Southern California)
The 2000s have been described as the “Lost Decade.” In this interview, Tracy Young interviews Pamela Yellen, Personal Finance Expert and Author of the New York Times Bestseller, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future. Pamela discusses her safe wealth-building strategy and what has happened to our portfolios and our investments. People are putting all of their faith into the 401(k)s, but are unaware that employers are now automatically enrolling more people into the 401(k) and they are automatically increasing their contribution every year without asking them. Pamela shares the dangers in Target-Date Funds, the Pension Protection Act of 2006, no requirements that plan administrators have any kind of special knowledge or credentials to make these decisions about our hard-earned money, the tax time bomb, and the truth about deferring taxes. Pamela recommends smart questions to ask your stockbroker, financial representative and/or plan manager. She also suggests looking beyond the traditional investment strategies to a 160 year old wealth-building strategy that is predictable and guaranteed. Get Pamela’s Free Wealth Building Report here.