Dan Proskauer is a technology executive for a major health care company who heard a radio ad for Bank On Yourself in 2009 that caught his attention. At that time, the economy was in a deep recession, and the stock market was plunging.
For several years, Dan had felt frustrated because he’d been doing all the “right things” he’d been taught to do with his finances… but those “right things” were failing him – and most other Americans – miserably.
Having been burned numerous times by following the conventional financial “wisdom,” Dan was understandably very skeptical of Bank On Yourself. It sounded “too good to be true.” In fact, it sounded like it must be a scam!
(I recently interviewed Dan about his 11-year journey with Bank On Yourself, and you can click here to skip to hear the interview and/or read a transcript of it.)
So Dan set out to prove Bank On Yourself is a scam…
Dan is a very analytical person, and he researched the heck out of Bank On Yourself. But he couldn’t find any proof that it was a scam. In fact, he discovered the asset which Bank On Yourself is based on has been around for a very long time.
So he decided to take the next step and requested a referral to a Bank On Yourself Professional, who he then peppered with every question and every objection to Bank On Yourself he could think of.
The Bank On Yourself Professional was able to thoroughly and patiently answer each and every question Dan had.
So Dan decided to dip his toe into the water and start two Bank On Yourself-type high cash-value dividend-paying whole life policies – one on his wife and one on himself. “They were large enough so I’d be able to tell if the strategy worked, but small enough that we wouldn’t lose our shirts if it didn’t,” Dan recalls with a smile. (He now owns 12 policies, and you’ll learn why when you listen to the interview I recently did with Dan.)
A self-professed Quicken addict, Dan has been meticulously charting his family’s finances, assets, and net worth for decades. And since a picture is worth a thousand words…
Now, 11 Years Later, Here’s What Dan’s Net Worth Chart Looks Like
Dan discovered that when you turn your back on the conventional wisdom and put the bulk of your retirement savings in a financial vehicle that only goes in one direction – UP! – your net worth stops experiencing nerve-wracking, unpredictable ups and downs. Your money grows predictably and guaranteed. It doesn’t go backward or suffer a lost decade (or even a single lost year):
Dan Spilled the Beans in an Interview I Recently Did with Him
In this fast-paced interview, Dan reveals…
- Why he now owns 12 Bank On Yourself-type policies (including some that are quite large)
- The shocking realization he had that made him want to shout about Bank On Yourself from the rooftops
- How Bank On Yourself can work for almost anyone – regardless of net worth or income (and he shares personal examples)
- How the choices he’s made with his finances since he took the path less traveled have given him and his family priceless peace of mind and a feeling of control since the pandemic and economic shutdown hit
- And many other thought-provoking insights.
You Can Listen to My Interview with Dan Here:
Audio PlayerAnd/or Read a Transcript of the Interview Here
Find Out How Adding the Bank On Yourself Strategy to Your Financial Plan Can Give You Priceless Peace of Mind – Even When the You-Know-What is Hitting the Fan…
You can achieve far greater financial security and peace of mind – no matter what’s happening in the economy or the markets.
But continuing to do what you’ve been doing with your finances and retirement planning while expecting a different result is the classic definition of insanity.
Why not explore the long-proven road less traveled? Dan did, and that enabled him to join hundreds of thousands of others who did… and who’ve never looked back.
Request your free, no-obligation Analysis here TODAY, and you’ll get a referral to a Bank On Yourself Professional who can meet with you “virtually” and safely, and who can answer all your questions and show you how a custom-tailored program can give you the financial peace of mind you want and deserve:
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