We’re always looking for entertaining, easy-to-understand ways to explain key concepts of the Bank On Yourself method. So we just completed a new – and very unusual – video that explains one of the most powerful features of Bank On Yourself – how it lets you bypass banks, finance and credit card companies altogether and become your own source of financing.
This video also addresses how purchasing things like cars, vacations, business equipment, or a college education through a Bank On Yourself plan beats financing, leasing and even directly paying cash for them.
Click the play button on the video below, then scroll down to the comments box and give us your feedback…

To find out how much more money you could have when you fire your banker and become your own financing source, request a FREE, no-obligation Analysis.
We’d really love to get your feedback on this new video and video “style”. (You’ve probably never seen a video like this before.)
Here are questions we’d love to get your feedback on in the comments box below…
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Professionals?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? – Explaining how I can borrow money from the policy, while still earning interest on that money
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? – Is it a retirement plan for me, or a life insurance plan for my family? Do I have to choose one or the other at the time of retirement, or can it truly function as both?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? – The advisors do more than just recommend an insurance company…they setup the entire Bank on Yourself plan, and manage it for you! Show the difference in interest earned between paying cash vs paying with a Bank on Yourself plan.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? – NA
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? – Yes! It’s a quick overview, and gives enough information to make the free analysis seem like the next good step.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? – Keep working on ideas like this video. The concept sounds too good to be true on the surface, and it takes some dedicated education on your part to help explain it to people!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – NO
2. What was the best part of the video? – Explaining how I can borrow money from the policy, while still earning interest on that money.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? –
Do I have to pay taxes on this as I go or is this like an insurance policy where I pay out post tax dollars and only the withdrawl is taxable?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? –
Benits for BOY vs taditional Life Insuaance policies that allow withdrawls.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? – More likely
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? –N/A.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? –
Old school thinking needs more current ways to protect yourself, since 401K and Pensions are Old time thinking still.
1. NO
3. I woudl like to see numbers, some illustration of the amounts that can be earned, Whole life policies aren’t usually high-rate investments
I am currently using 2 banking polices, and am in underwriting for my first BOY policy, and studying to become an authorized rep. I think this video is brilliant !!
I could share this video with family and friends. It is simple and easy to understand.
Thank you, George Faatz
I am a bank on yourself user.
Best part of video is the concept of using your own money over and over with no penalties.
I’d like to get monthly or quarterly statements showing the payback and how the policies are growing.
I thought the video was great! Aside from the amazing illustrator, the concepts around Bank on Yourself were presented very simply and succinctly. I have been on the BOY mailing list for quite a while, but never knew the foundation of the program. The titles and hooks for the marketing info were very intriguing, but I never read far enough down to know what the program was about. This video makes it very easy to understand and also very easy to share with others! I’m looking forward to pursuing this information further. Thanks!
1) Yes, I currently own my own BOY plan.
2) The video hits some of the important points of the plan and the illustrations are well done.
3) There are some other benefits that could be mentioned: compound interest, tax-free access, dividends…maybe it’s getting too far under the hood at this point.
Great job!
What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
I’ve had a recent analysis but it showed a dividend rate of only 1%. I understand this is just currently but how is that going to beat REAL inflation like BOYS mention’s the stock market doesn’t do either? How about a more apples to apples comparison?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
I sure do, and I sleep better at night because of it!
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
When the interest is paid on a BOY loan, how much is it, and how does it get back to the policy owner?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
The “taking a loan out” aspect of the policy, and how one gets back the money to the policy.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? I definitely would have friends and family look at this video, but it still needs to address the “taking a loan out” a little bit more. See my answers above.
1. yes, i use bank on yoursef.
2. when you explain that there is not a credit app for the money you borrow, it makes it a little easier to understand.
3. How soon after i start my account can i borrow? I have been in for almost a year now.
6. i feel the video would help to show a friend or family member make the concept explained easier.
We are very happy with how this plan has helped us get out of debt – and own our home! Though we had doubts at first, the program really does work. We can retire knowing that we owe no one anything, and will never fall into the credit trap ever again. I agree with Thomas above, quarterly statements would be very helpful and encouraging. I recommend Bank on Yourself to everyone in my family.
2.when it talks about bypass lending companys you becoming your own source of finance.
3. I find the way you explain and how advisor explained to me was pretty clear, when I dicuss bank on yourself, you get a lot resistance because don’t understand insurance in general let alone life insurance. people think life insurance something to pay off your loans when you die. not as wealth building tool.
4.I would say that a lot is just the stimga of life insurance, people hate even talking about because it reminds them of death.
6. yes this a very good basic illstration of the Bank on Yourself concept but like most people you show them the facts,charts,statements, and etc. That fact remains that people’s idea of life insurance is so naive, that you first have to find a way to take way the stimga of death from it.
7.I like the new look it’s very modern.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
Yes. We have 4 BOY policies.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The fat guy sitting on the beach with a drink in his hand enjoying retirement! Hopefully I won’t be that fat when I retire. 🙂 The only thing that would make it better is if he would be sitting in a boat with a fishing rod in his hand (personal preference).
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
I’m still a little confused on how BOY actually helps to reclaim the interest I pay on BOY loans. It’s a loan from the company’s general fund and must be repaid. That interest is added to the loan balance every year, so it is EXTRA money I have to pay in. I realize that my policy continues to grow even if I have the maximum loan taken out and that helps to reclaim the interest, something a typical bank loan simply does not do for me. However, it still seems I’d be better off to NOT take a BOY loan if I wanted to avoid the interest – that interest would not get added every year and I’d have more in my pocket. I must be missing something…just hard to get my brain wrapped around that concept for some reason.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
I think the video does a great job of covering the advantages of BOY over normal bank financing and paying cash. It’s short and to the point. So I think the video is a good way to get people interested and help them to make the first move, contact an advisor for more detailed information. I guess the only thing I would consider adding is some way to convince people it’s never too late (they are never too old) to start a BOY policy.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, I will share this video. However, I’m the youngest in a large family and several of my siblings are in their 60s or approaching 60. They feel it’s too late to start a program like this. See my answer to #4 – adding something to the video about this could be helpful.
I agree with Kelan 100% with regards to the part which is unclear with a bank on yourself plan. If your bank on yourself policy is charging you 6 percent to take out a loan but is only paying you 3 or 4 percent, doesn’t it make more sense to buy your new car with manufacturer financing at 0, .9, 1.9 or 2.9 percent. I recently bought a new car with zero percent financing. I will now put the difference between getting a 6 percent loan and a zero percent loan into my boy policy in order to turbo charge it. I thought about using my boy plan but I still don’t see how it helps. In regards to paying cash, the amount of interest I am losing from my bank is almost zero today.
This part confuses me too. I thought it would be like a 401k loan… If I borrow from my 401k, the principal AND interest from my payments goes back into my account. With BOY, the company charges me interest that goes into the general fund. How is that recapturing the interest payments that would have gone to a bank in a regular bank loan?? If my growth rate was higher than the BOY interest rate, I wouldn’t be so upset, but this feels like a bait and switch job to me. I’m not recapturing my interest while my policy continues to grow, I’m basically making an interest payment that the company turns around and gives me back (actually, less than what I paid in)and they call it a dividend (which I gave them in the first place).
The BOY message does not make this clear, they make it sound like interest payments are credited directly to your account IN ADDITION TO
Sorry, had a computer issue…
IN ADDITION TO NORMAL DIVIDENDS, while in reality I’m paying the company interest and they are giving most of it back an labeling it dividends.
So, here’s the big question, Do I have to pay the loan interest payments that the company sends each year, or can I let it ride?? If I am required to pay the interest bill each year, using this as a retirement fund won’t work. Every year, I’m going to pull out the same amount for my retirement expenses(as a loan), but every year, my interest bill will be getting bigger…
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
The way the hand draws everything very quickly.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
The “Super Charged” idea. How does the life insurance company make any money out of it?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
What happens to all the money I have put in when I die?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
not yet
2. What was the best part of the video?
The entire video is very well put together…the simplicity of how you can be your own bank and use your own money to make purchases and pay yourself back. no qualifying no fee’s and using 85 to 90% of your own cash value to do so.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Being a whole life policy with the excelerated guaranteed growth do you have to qualify for it medically?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Maybe a 800 phone number you could call to have questions answered and a side by side comparison on how the program works.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisers?
Yes I will order one however I would like to look into becoming one of your advisers.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I am a retirement specialist and I am interested in this for myself personally and to help others do it also.. I believe I understand the basics.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Your approach is a little cartoonish…how ever interesting and simple.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? – I kind of like this format of video. I’ve seen it on numerous other products. It makes the audio more interesting to listen to. I like that it basically describes all the main features of the policy.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? – I still don’t completely understand how the paid-up additions supercharge the policy nor how the money can continue to earn money even if I take out a loan. The whole concept of how the premiums work is fuzzy but it still seems like a good deal.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? – For me, it would help to see how the premiums work to build the cash value as well as where the dividends come from and how they are used to purchase more insurance. Also, what does it mean that the death benefit grows exponentially later in the term.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? – NA
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? – Well, it’s a quick and interesting way to get a short overview of the concept. I’m not sure there’s enough detail for anyone who really wants to understand it well, but for those who can appreciate the concept with the advantages cited, I think it would be a good way to develop an interest.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? – It kind of seems like the same “generalness” that is consistent in all the forms of communication is still prevalent in this video. I’m one who wants to understand exactly how it works and it’s very hard to convey any of that without actually seeing some illustrations and talking with an advisor. But it’s definetely a good start. I think it would be helpful to have more videos in the same format that zero in on specific individual aspects of the policies. Even some of the illustrations in Pamela’s book could be animated in this format to make them easier to understand.
Good luck on getting the message across.
1) No, I do not use Bank on Yourself
2) Best part of the video? It was simply presented and easy to follow
3) What topics could be covered? Because it was simple and easy to follow, I would like to know more about borrowing against myself (I can already do this with my 401k account up to certain amounts).
4) Additional topics? how much should I initiate into a account, how much do I add weekly, biweekly or monthly? Interest earned and Dividends earned? borrowing cost? fee? interest?
5) Free Analysis? Still undecided, since I still have questions about this program.
6) Sharing the video? yes, I will share this video with friends/family.
7) Feedback? The video is simple and easy, but because of this, it leaves unanswered questions. How about putting a video together with explains the free analysis?
i do not use bank on yourself now, i think i would like to know the cost of a policy to help make up my mine
1 Not a policy owner. Simple and to the point. I appreciated the current owners questions and am looking for the answer to them.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? – That I can give the banks the boot when I need a loan.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? – How the whole ‘loan thing’ works. Details!
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? – Some actually numbers. I know all policies are different, but #’s help.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Professionals? – I have one.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? – Yes, but i would be afraid it would bring more questions that i cant answer.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? – No thanks for the vid.
1. Do I currently use Bank on Yourself?
I am in the process of getting started.
2. Best part of the video.
Explaining how using your own money can help make you wealthy.
3. What is still unclear.
I understand the concept well.
4. What topics will make people more confident to use.
Maybe giving an example of how the system works using smaller deposits (say $2400/year) so as to not have newcomers believe its only for the rich like I assumed at first.
5. Did video make me more of less likely to use BOY.
I found it interesting and easy to understand, would have made me more likely to join.
6. Share video with family and friends.
I would surely use this video, I have tried to explain it to some of my co-workers but get a little tongue tied when the question and answer part comes.
7. Additional comments
I would only add that this is for everyone no matter what income level, and that its never to late to start.
1. No in waiting period But would like more information on waiting period or up dateed on progress
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Not yet, but I’m 90% in. I am currently reading the book to get more information and get grounded on the facts.
2. What was the best part of the video? It’s the approach of using a cartoonist to illustrate and underline the concepts that are being presented (a 20th century method done in the digital age). The video was brief, to the point, different from the usual videos on the internet, and very interesting.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? So far, I could see that it’s like a 401k fund that you contribute to and can borrow from, with interest accruing to you, only better. What are the penalties if you are late or if you fail to pay the monthly premiums? See #4 for other items still unclear.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? How little a regular person like me can contribute to the fund and at what rate my nest egg would grow. I am nearing retirement, in-between jobs, working an internet business in the meantime and looking for a place to park my 401k IRA. It would help to know if there is a way to roll over my IRA into a B.O.Y. policy without paying taxes (even before I sign up for the analysis). The last chapter of the book tells the story of two men in their 60’s who started late – that’s inspiring.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? yes
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Definitely a video that will catch a person’s interest,it’s different and brief. I love it. I would share it with them after giving them a little background on my experience, when I have done it.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Very innovative video.
do you currently use bank on your self? no
what is the best part of the video? the part where it explains that i can use my own money to finance purchases.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Just started a BOY account and getting ready to give myself a loan to pay off debt. Requesting a loan only involves sending a form with the amount I want. I’m so excited to pay off two credit cards, one with a 17.9% interest rate and the other with a 14.2% interest rate. I will be saving so much money plus have my BOY continue to grow for retirement.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Yes, the video, just like the book, is simple to understand and doesn’t talk over people’s head.
All I can say for anyone who is a little skeptical, just read the book, read the reviews and don’t listen to the opinions from anyone about what to do with your finances. I wished I knew about this years ago. I’m 55 years old, so it’s never too late.
I really enjoyed the video, use of cartoons makes the topic seem easy to
understand, and that even the average person would be able to do BOY easily.
I have not yet gotten a BOY policy, but plan to in the near future. I have
read the book, and one question I still have is : Is it possible to pre-fund
the policy, vs. sending monthly payments? And if so, does that mean I could
take out a loan against the policy more quickly? What is the initial waiting
period for this? Many thanks, Heidi
I have very limited income and even worse savings, and would like to know what the minimum would be for me to buy into Bank On Yourself.
I haven’t seen anything about that, and it’s the reason I haven’t bought into it yet.
1. Don’t currently use BOY
2. Best part of video–it’s incomplete
3. Still Unclear? How BOY beats inflation and which companies are use. A VERY BRIEF disclaimer is shown and glossed over: Guarantees are based on claims-paying ability of the company. Tax laws may change. I would want to know what companies are involved, their business record, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how the presidential election could change tax laws.
4. Topics to instill confidence: Exchange high pitch sales tactics with data about the who are the life insurance companies & who are these BOY advisors.
5. Less likely to buy BOY after video
6. Would discuss info in video with friends, but would not send it to them.
7. Starting age is a factor and anytime you give your money to invest to someone else, you have to know how they will safe-keep it. What is the likelihood you will get it back with the promised return? I still don’t know who BOY is nor how you realize inflation beating ROI.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? Easy to understand and fast paced.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? – Think I get most of it. Need to determine if I should go even more “full in” rather than keeping money out in the markets.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? –
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? – I have one.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? – Yes, I think it would be a good “teaser” to get some folks to further explore. Some folks are just over Ramseyed or Ormaned to listen to options
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Good graphics, reasonable length.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? NO
2. What was the best part of the video? Different way to evaluate the program and benefits.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? No, want to do this but still slow to pull the trigger.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Nothing from your side, only my side needs to make the effort.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Will contact Rodney Stockton to begin working on my plan
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
So many websites are using the dry erase cartoons that I feel that this method cheapens the concept.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Several financial websites are attempting to emulate the Bank of yourself method that you have worked to make useful to the masses.
1. Yes
2. The style. I’ve seen this speed-drawing style used before. It’s very effective. Was unsure about the narrator’s voice/delivery initially, but ultimately, I’d say he works.
3. Aren’t we technically borrowing money from the Insurance company, rather than ourselves? They loan us the money, using the equity in the policy as collateral, right? That’s why the money keeps earning interest, because the money we put in goes nowhere – we get the Insurance Company’s dough, which is what we pay back, right? I mean, I’m cool with that, it just seems odd to present it like you do.
4. If there was less of a hype feel to it all, and was presented more straight-forward, and with less shots taken at Ramsey/Orman, I think the whole thing would be more palatable.
6. I’d share it with my friends/family, no prob. Getting one of these policies makes sense. I’d probably have to add commentary and assurances after the fact, but all in all, I’d say it’s a good tool.
I am a current BOY client. I really enjoyed the video and thought it provided a simple, yet effective explanation of policy loans. I would like to see more of an explanation how to use the policy for retirement. I think this would be helpful in sharing this with family and friends.
Overall, the BOY plan is fantastic and provides the flexibility to provide financial independence.
I am a BOY client for over a year. I have yet to take out a loan but am looking forward to using it for a wedding next year and NOT having to use credit cards!
I too would like quarterly statements along the way to see it building up in equity.
I’m grateful I don’t have to stress out over the stock market as much now.
I am not currently a Bank on Yourself client although I have studied the concept. Because I already understand the basic concept, the most effective part of the video was the mention of JC Penney and Walt Disney as people who borrowed from their life insurance plan. However, for someone who doesn’t understand life insurance, (term v. whole, etc) and more importantly, someone who’s been given the bad news about typical whole life policies, the vague examples of Penney and Disney may raise suspicion more than provide assurance that BOY is something unique and more powerful than typical whole life policies.
What remains unclear would really depend on what the viewer already knows. You have the challenge of breaking through suspicions, prejudices and skepticism people have developed from who-knows-where. Your challenge with this video is you don’t know what prejudices any particular view may have already developed so you need to address as many likely prejudices as you have learned about from your experience in as direct a manner as possible. The reference to Suze Orman (and the other person I don’t personally recognize) assumes the viewer knows what Suze and the other are bashing. Not everyone has that knowledge. I think it would be helpful to be specific about what kind of insurance they are bashing and be clear about how a BOY insurance program negates their concern(s).
If the viewer is aware of the faults of typical whole life policies, they need to be informed in clear terms about how this program differs by continuing to grow because (use simple terms here) something specific is different about this program than typical whole life. Similarly, the typical concerns about term life need to be addressed head on.
Something should be said about how this kind of policy has been in existence for (how many years?) and why most insurance agents either don’t know about it or choose not to offer it (because of the lowered commissions?)
Although I am not yet a BOY client, I will share this video with my son who is a prime candidate to participate in this kind of program.
Thinking back to the examples of Penney and Disney, the question in my mind is, what kind of life insurance policy did they have? Was it a typical whole life policy against which they could borrow but their policy value would not grow, or was it the kind of policy used in BOY?
Oh, and one more thing. It would be helpful to make one or two powerful statements about the advantage of this program over a 401K, IRA or other deferred compensation program.
Obviously your have a challenge task to put something new and different into perspective relative to the multitude of prejudices any of the viewers may have. As good as this video is, I think it could be made tighter and more effective in addressing the most prominent prejudiced objections most viewers are likely to have.
I hope this is helpful.
I just wish that I had heard about Bank on Yourself many years ago. I am being evalated now I hope that I can make it. I think it is a excellent idea. If I had heard about the plan 10 years ago I know that I would be worth over a 100 Thousand today.
very good video and I like the way it was produced
1 no i do not have one
2 enjoyed the way it is presented
3I understand the idea
yes I could share this
1. Do you currently use Bank on yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? – Learning how to take out a loan from yourself.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? examples of other people that have used this process.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
YES – showing how others have used this provides a level of comfort that there is minimal risk….and others have been using the process for years.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Nope…well done
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
I liked the speed of the video. It moved quickly for an informational video.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Is it a retirement plan or family life insurance.
7. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. How about less hype and more facts? Discuss risks versus benefits. Give a “typical” example using some real numbers. Do a side-by-side comparison of this plan verusus other options, but use real numbers. Tell us how to start our own life insurance company–I think you will be the ones getting rich, not us.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? YES
2. What was the best part of the video?I like the part of setting your own terms
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Noting for me as I have had my BOY Plan for years and taken out several loans
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?It is hard to convince people it is worth it or as good as it really is.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?I think it should help
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes it helps to reinforce what I have told them. A little more info on useing it for retirement.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Just my favorite example of how I was laid off in 2010. I called my Authorized Advisor Stuart and told him I needed a $5000.00 and was laid off and need to reduce my policy payments and would not be making loan Payment’s till I dot a new job. He said no problem and worked with me in till I got a new job in a few mounths.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
a) The concept of becoming your own source of financing. b) BOY policy earning 40x more cash value than traditional insurance policy. c) BOY doubles as a retirement plan. d) You can borrow money from your plan as if you never touched a dime of it, while the money continues to grow. e) You can borrow 85-90% of your cash value.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Perhaps give some specific examples of how people of all walks of life achieved their goals using a BOY policy.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
I found myself being captivated, or distracted by looking at the illustrations, rather than focusing on the information. If the objective of this video was to simplify the concepts of a BOY policy, I’m not sure it was achieved using this style. The fast pace of the illustrations, and the cartoons themselves may cause folks not to take the whole concept too seriously. However, the quality of the production was great! It just might overshadow and/or undermine the intent.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
– Yes, I do
2. What was the best part of the video?
– It is very easy to understand.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
– The main differences between a dividend-paying whole life and other whole life policies and why a dividend-paying whole is very good.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
– Expand on how it’s a great retirement tool and how it works during retirement as opposed to 401(k)s, IRAs, Social Security, etc.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
– I use Bank on Yourself
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
– Absolutely. It is clear enough to do all the talking about Bank on Yourself without me having to explain everything.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
– None
7. Is there any feedback you’d like to give us?
I just thought of this now. I really think that there should be a strong advertising campaign of BOY to the young adult education (18 – 30 years old) in which I am a part of. Many of my peers are doing the same old thing of stocks, real estate, IRAs, and are in deep debt due to college, cars, home mortgage, and so on. I feel as if I’m the only one that’s using Bank on Yourself as a primary source of equity building.
A good way to advertise BOY to the young adult generation like me would be to show how having such a policy is better than real estate, financing cars and expensive purchases, and building for retirement. The central message of the BOY advertising campaign to young adults should be that it puts them in place for financial freedom, stability, and peace of mind for a lifetime. This is what appealed to me when I heard about BOY and I feel that it will do so for my peers.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Not yet.
2. What was the best part of the video? It entertaining and educational. the style is engaging.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? What type of commitment do I need to make to get the maximum value out of the program.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? The video does not explain how the program is different from other whole life policies other than mentioning it has turbo features, 80 to 90 percent cheaper.. Sounds like marketing fluff.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? More likely to request a free analysis. Video does a good job building curiosity.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? This video is a big step in the right direction. It does a great job covering the basics but could use some touches to make the feature points sound less hyped even if they are true.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
It was very encouraging and positive. It created a “Hey-this-is-something-I-CAN-do-for-myself-and-my-family” feeling.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
If I borrow against the life insurance policy, how is that going to affect the death benefit?
What is the interest rate on the money that is building cash value?
Is it possible to borrow against a life insurance policy if you’ve recently purchased it?
If I build cash value, do I get the cash AND the death benefit?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
(See answers to question #3.)
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Not at this time.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? Quick,simple and easy to understand.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How the money grows.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Currently use
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, because it is quick, simple and easy to understand.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No. I have been following / reading about Bank On Yourself for several years now but just have not taken the step to start one.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The quality of the production was very good, as well as the amount of information provided. It should entice those unfamilair with Bank On Yourself to investugate more. I am unsure, however if for those, like myself, whom have been sitting on the sidelines whether this video provides the incentive to jump in.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
For those new to the concept, the video is not clear whether this is a savings plan, an insurance plan, and investment plan, etc. It is actually all of them and more but the video may cause some to not investigate it further if they are “not looking for another insurance plan” or “another investment plan”.
Also, the key phrase that I picked up in the video was “you can borrow up to 80-90% of the cash value” but how quickly the cash value grows was not discussed. For many looking at traditional life insurance plans, the cash value is often a very small amount which would mean the loan values would be very small.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
I would openly discuss the potential limitations / drawbacks of Bank On Yourself. There must be some. Also, as I mentioned in question #3, perhaps discussing how the cash value accumulates to make loans, etc. possible.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
For myself, the video didi not make it more or less likely. Merely, the frequent reminder form the email blasts that has kept me interested in Bank On Yourself has pushed me to finally request one.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I am not yet using Bank On Yourself but do plan on sharing this with others.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Much of what I have seen and read about Bank On Yourself paints a very rosy future. There is a saying that if something looks too good to be true, then it probably isn’t. I would encourage you to also openly discuss the potential problems, or mistakes that people have made using this system. I am sure that not all whom have used it have had perfect success stories. Providing some of these mistakes may demonstrate that the advisors are aware of what can go wrong with Bank On Yourself and are prepared to help clients avoid these mistakes.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No, but I have one for my son.
2. What was the best part of the video?
Visual teaching along with audio.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
It needs to be noted that you must purchase this with your good health instead of good credit. That would create some much needed urgency.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
I think the video is good, because if you make too much longer, people will lose interest. So the length is ok.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisers?
Yes, I have been considering becoming an advisor for some time now.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I am an insurance and I am interested in this and to help others do it also.. I understand the basics.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
These cartoon based teaching methods are being used quit a bit on the internet. My only complaint is that the drawing is often not fast enough. They need to sync with the commentary, and while this one is better than most, the drawing could still be a little faster.
Good job however!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? YES
2. What was the best part of the video? VERY CREATIVE VIDEO! IT KEPT ME GLUED TO THE SCREEN. WELL DONE.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? NOTHING.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? PAYING FOR LONG-TERM CARE EXPENSES.
5. N/A
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? YES, ABSOLUTELY. IT’S FUN. IT’S ENTERTAINING. AND IT’S EDUCATIONAL.
I am a current BOY user.
The video is brief and easy to understand.
What’s unclear is who are the life insurance companies, and what is their track record? Talking about the 100+ years of paying dividends without fail, even during depressions and recessions, was a real selling point for me. There are no examples of a BOY policy showing the growth.
I think showing some hard numbers would be beneficial.
I would share this video with family and friends.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
Potentially, after more information is consumed.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The description of car financing options. “POOF”
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
None of the information from videos, books, emails, etc. explains what the policies entail. Things like medical qualification, cancellation from too many loans, single vs. family policies, etc.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Again, things like medical qualification, cancellation from too many loans, single vs. family policies, etc.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisers?
I had already planned on giving it a try. This video is pushing me to pull the trigger.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
No using it… yet.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Keep up the good work!! Get more Americans out of debt and into a better life.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? NO
2. What was the best part of the video? VERY EASY TO WATCH, EASY TO UNDERSTAND
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? MORE
Can you transfer an existing end off life insurance policy to a bank on yuourself account.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
I LOVED the STYLE of communication – very creative how he visibly designed the “powers” of life insurance when its used to “Bank on Yourself”. My favorite video thus far!
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Tell us more about why this isn’t used by more people around the country.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Maybe more media options for folks? For instance – do a 30min video documentary following 3 families and a business that goes from the typical American way of banking/investing, to using BOY and how it changes them. Just an idea.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Professionals? NA
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes! In fact, I’ve already shared it with several others. I shared it because it simply explains the ways in which we purchase things, and why BOY is the best way to do it.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Keep ’em coming!
great video. I do use bank on yourself. I just started 1.5 years ago. I am impressed with the growth to date and plan to finance a new car through bank on yourself next year. It will be the first time in my life (I am 60 years old) that I have not financed a car through the bank. My only regret is that I did not learn about this at a younger age. I am certain that I would have been able to retire at an earlier age. I have been trying to encourage a neice who has been financially struggling for quite a while to find a way to get into this program. I think a video like this one would help the advisors when they explain how the system works. It is very simply stated yet is quite clear in terms of explanation. I recently met with my financial advisor that I have been with for many years. I just told him that I started this account. He was unaware of this savings vehicle. It should be part of CFP 101 so that advisors can truly advise clients when trying to plan for retirement or college educations. I feel like I can now truly start to plan for retirement (plan age 68) with real numbers instead of projections that never seem to come to fruition with traditional methods. Keep spreading the word.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? NO
2. What was the best part of the video? Short and to the point
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? I would like to know how much it is a month? How can this be used for retirement? Still not sure I want the analysis.
Hello Norma. My name is Mark and I do use Bank On Yourself (BOY). I realize you’re probably feeling some anxiety about an analysis so let me see if I can address that feeling. My perception is this: How can anyone make an informed decision without the information necessary? The analysis is nothing more than a straight forward look at how a BOY policy can fit into and improve your life. It’s not designed to judge you or the financial decisions you’ve made up to this point. It will show you how average people like us can tap into the success of a very successful industry, insurance without the risk of tapping in through Wall Street using stocks and mutual funds. I started with a relatively small plan and my advisor, Alan, even gave me suggestions on how to fit the monthly premiums into my budget. The analysis is also a chance for you to meet and assess your advisor and determine, for yourself, if you want to work with him or her. I can tell you that your analysis will not be a sales pitch. It will be more of a “Let me show you some ways WE can make your money grow faster than it is now” type of conversation. He or she will ask you where you would like to be in 5, 10 or 20 years and then show you what you would have to do today in order to make that happen with BOY. I don’t know you Norma, so I can only tell you how it was for me and then hope you can identify with it a little bit. My analysis and financial plans using BOY got me excited again about my future and that of my family. I think it can do that for your too. Go for it!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? – Explaining all the advantages over the traditional banking system.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? – What is the primary selling point of the system? Is it a wealth-building tool or an exceptional insurance product. I believe it is both but the retirement advantage is key to most people.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? – The exceptional customer service (which sold me). When you are dealing w/ a new paradigm, people need to know you will be there anytime they have a question.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? I do you use it.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? – Yes, it is concise, interesting, and easy to understand. Plus, a clip like this helps in our “video” society (esp. for the visual learners).
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? – I personally like seeing illustrations, even just one (e.g., the R. Nelson Nash book is replete w/ them). We are such a technologically visual society and people love to see the numbers.
what can a men, of age 62 on disability due to a bad knees can do
after i lost my house and 401k and rely only on disability check
1. No, but I have applied for a policy.
2. Very informative and easy to watch.
3. Cost of insurance.
1. Currently do not use it but have inquired about it and researched with an advisor. I am hoping to get started soon.
2. Visual drawings explaining an overview of how it works really made it easy to understand how it works.
3. How long do I have to build up sufficient cash to be able to start using it (i.e. take money out for cash purchases and then put money back in again).
4. How easy is it to transfer a current traditional universal life policy from another insurance company to enable a jump start of initial cash investment?
5. Yes, absolutely!
6. I really think it is an excellent tool to give an overview to family members who have not seen the details of it.
Very good summary. I am thinking about doing this.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No.
2. What was the best part of the video? It’s simplicity and definitely picques interest to inquire further.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How much commission is paid out on the policy to the advisor and how safe is this?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
What do I have for piece of mind that this isn’t going to disappear on me, like some of the banks and other investments going under.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? More…
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? I am not currently in BOY; however, I will share the video with others most definitely. I like the concept alot and would spread the news.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? This is different enough that it goes against the mainstream paradigm of banking and credit card purchases. Voicing BOY’s track record and giving people security that what money they have left to start an acct is safe.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? YES
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? NOTHING.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? N/A.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? ABSOLUTELY. IT CAN QUICKLY DESCRIBE THE PLAN IN A MANNER THAT IS INTERESTING.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? NOPE.
Hello Russ. I’m replying to your post because I noticed you want the same “hard numbers” that I did before I got into BOY. I will attempt to tell you why I think your best way forward is to sign up for an analysis and get the ball rolling to get the information you want.
As I understand it, the insurance industry is highly regulated one. There are ethical rules in place that are not taken lightly — they are enforced. Producers (people who sell insurance), are taught and required to never do or say anything that could possibly make a policy look or sound better than it is in practice. This is part of contract law which is good for you. I’ll explain more on that further down. Also understand that there are soooo many variables to the structure of a BOY plan, that I dare say no two will work exactly alike. Becuase of those two points, you’ll find that BOY advisors do not exagerate, but they do deliver. An analysis and the choices you make will allow an advisor to design a policy that fits your specific needs and even then there are variables: are you going to purchase PUAs? Are you going to take out loans? How many? When? For how much? Do you see…there are soooo many variables in the design and the implementation that any disclosure of “hard numbers” could mislead people especially if published on a blog like this one. That’s not going to happen and that is a good thing. Not publishing “hard numbers” speaks to Pamella’s integrity. No one is trying to hide something here which is why the analyses are free and without obligation.
If a BOY plan can do what Pamella and all the other BOY OWNERS on this blog say it can do, including myself, why not sign up for an analysis and see for yourself? There’s no obligation to the analysis and now that I think about it, you can even apply for a policy have one designed and if you don’t like it, don’t sign it. Wow, that’s another point I just thought of. My BOY plan is a legally binding contract so there are no surprises and I know exactly how I can use it for my benefit. Having such a contract allows me to sleep very well at night. You don’t get contracts with stocks and mutual funds. You do get disclaimers that the prospectus performance may not be typical and does not constitute a promise of future earnings. Basically, your mileage may vary (YMMV). Good luck Russ and get that analysis!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? Very good overview of the way it works in a short time span.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How much you need to invest to be able to fully use the plan. Cash value doesn’t realy help, since most people won’t have a large amount to put in right away.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? The stability in using this inseatd of a 401K/IRA was a major factor in our decision to go with the plan. Talking about retirement is good, but in the comparrison you should stress the market volitility of traditional retirement plans more.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? I would since it is definately useful in explaining complex financial plannin in a very simplified and fun way.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? While I like the use of ‘real time’ drawing to give the information, there were times where the arm crossing the screen was distracting. A few of the ‘end pictures’ were also a bit off – one example that comes to mind is the market rate blurb – using a long red arrow for banks vs the short blue for BOY, with no words didn’t really feel complete.
Just used “my bank” for the first time last month, loved the process! 1 email, a signature and fax, then a week later the check was in my hand. I used it again for a hot deal I couldn’t refuse on some rental property, same as first time, SWEET!! David
1- I use Bank on Myself
2- I love to draw birthday cards for my loved ones and so for me, this was a fun medium for making this statement.
3- There can be limitations on what parts of the program are applicable depending on a person’s family/health/cash flow – and the more successful application of the strategy is based on paying back the loans.
4- This strategy should be used in place of current strategies, in conjunction with existing plans, lack of plans, and lack of faith in planning – so it really has a place for just about everyone when crafted correctly.
5- I currently use and advocate the use of this strategy…
6- This is a great and simple way to share the concept with others – absolutely.
7- Great concept – great creativity, and artistry – and in today’s “short and sweet-Youtube world” this is a good ice breaker for most who wonder “what’s a person to do in this difficult economy?”
1. Do you use Bank on Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? The graphics on the different methods of getting money for purchases were very well done, especially the opening graphic.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Based on the video the top question still lingering is how much money does it take and how long before I can start pulling money back out for purchases.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? The concept that this is not a “get rich quick” scheme and the concept of capitalizing time to maturity.
5. N/A
6. Where’s the link so I can post it on my Facebook right now?
7. The Bank on Yourself advisors are amazing and very helpful in teaching you
as much as possible about the program before you commit anything. They’ll send analysis, books, and talk to you multiple times so you can soak up the knowledge. Last weekend I (a Public Health Officer) got in a debate with a 20+ year financial advisor and life insurance professional and was completely able to hold my own and even convince him to look into the program. I hope he follows thorough as from what he was saying, he’s way behind where he could be. My wife said it was fun hearing me debate with this gentleman.
1- no
2-Short and to the point-not too technical.
3-Fees, determining cash amt of policy,how to fund it.
4-All the things in 3
5-Video made me want to get more info
7-I am very open to a new way of saving. I believe the stock market is little more thn a ponzi scheme that makes wall streeters rich.
1.Do you currently own a Bank on Yourself Policy? Yes
2. What is the best part of the video?
The graphics and the way it opens our eyes to the alternatives to traditional banking.
In particular, when you explain that there are only a handful of companies that have the special
features to allow your policy to grow at an unbelievable rate.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank on Yourself Policy?
I have read the book Bank on Yourself and I find the testimonials are absolutely incredible.
The one thing that I still haven’t wrapped my brain around is how the Paid Up Addition Rider
accelerates the Cash Value at such an amazing rate. I love it, but I don’t fully understand how
it works.
4. What topics?
Reassure all of us that the hand picked companies that we are dealing with can withstand these
tough economic times we are going through. What investments are they making that makes them
solid enough to keep my money safe and preserve my principle.
6. Yes, this video was incredible. I am currently debating one of my AL Williams term friend on the
value of BOY vs Term. My good friend and BOY advisor Dave Biondo here in Colorado is going to
help me when the time is right.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
Yes. I only wish I had known about it years ago.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The visuals and the focus on providing your own financing.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
I think can be a hard concept for people to understand.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
An example of the Bank on Yourself plan with specific numbers and a little more detailed comparison to other forms of financing.
5. N/A
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, it will be helpful. The video is a little bit too fast in some places. People are skeptical when I first tell them about the Bank on Yourself plan. So anything that helps build trust and credibility for the concept is very helpful. Could you provide a simple tool like a mortgage calculator that a person could use to run their own analysis before having to get a free analysis from an agent?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
My BOY Advisor is amazing. She is so helpful and did such a wonderful job of explaining the concept to me. Could you provide a webinar for BOY policy holders and explain advanced ways to use our policy? Thank you for all you are doing!
I use my policy loans for everything except my mortgage. I pay many bills, paid off car loans, appliance purchases, vacations, holiday spending, etc. using my personal bank. If you have discipline, this is such a great way to understand and make your money work for you, not somebody else. I have no regrets with my policy, agent or this concept, except that I wish I had done this 30 years ago. But don’t let your age stop you. At 60 , I’m finding this to be one of my top 3 financial decisions of my life.
So enthusiastic about BOY I forgot to comment on the video. Well done, fun, easy to understand. I would definitely share this with family.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
The graphics were great. I’ve seen the same style on some political columns and it’s fun to watch.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
How much one has to invest in a monthly policy.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Maybe why more isn’t known about this program. What are the pitfalls?
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
Neither more or less likely.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
I love the graphic style presentation. Thanks! Great job!
Great illustration Pam of the Bank On Yourself program. Short and to the point! As you know, I’m working with John in Hawaii for a program on my wife and self. I’d love to win a Kindle Fire or dinner for my wife and I. Please enter us into the contest. Thanks, Andy
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
The presentation using a cartoonist to build the story. Great simple approach.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
No specific mention of how to supercharge the policy by paying excess interest on loans.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
What are the downside risks? Come clean on the first five years. It will take time to see a positive return.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
If I didn’t own this product, I’d be inclined to purchase the book. Not likely to request a consult with a live advisor until researching offline.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
This IS a good initial contact method. It’s enough to promote interest if someone is looking for alternatives to gambling on the market.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Continue to expand on the savings aspect, how it’s compounded, ways to maximize the saving pool, and to remind them that patience will be critical in the early years. Some people will see the first few years as a downside, as if they were losing money before able to make money, without understanding that they can take loans as early as year two.
1 – Yes, I have used Bank on Yourself since losing confidence in “traditional” and especially Government sponsored financial tools during the depths of the financial crisis. I have been very happy with the results. The BOY team is terrific and cares about my success and future first and everything else second. We have nine total policies in our family, some of them highly customized and tailored to our specific needs. Just last month I took a substantial policy loan to purchase a new (to us) boat which our family has been enjoying tremendously this summer. I had the funds in my checking account within three days after a single email to my advisor’s office. I will be setting my own repayment schedule for the boat and will certainly feel a sense of joy and accomplishment the day I have fully recaptured the purchase price back into my policy.
2 – The best part of the video was the dynamic visualization of the process. It is one thing to read the words, it is another to see it unfold before you through pictures and animation. It reminded me of another animated video I once saw on YouTube which did a fantastic job explaining how fractional-reserve banking really works in the US. It took an incredibly complex topic and made it understandable. It also scared the heck out of me while making me angry at the same time. This video was equally impactful, but in a positive way!
3 – What is most unclear to me about the BOY concept is not the technical aspects, which I have spent a lot of time to make sure I fully understand, but more the “Why?” behind why more people aren’t doing this out of course? Other than outreach from BOY through radio advertising, this kind of video, etc., I have had only one other exposure to Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance. That came from a finanancial advisor referred to me by several colleagues at my office. This advisor was very highly recommended by some folks with significant income and net worth. He routinely advised this type of policy as part of an overall financial plan. Why is this option seemingly only available to the wealthy? Is there a secret club you have to belong to while the stock market, 401Ks, IRAs, 529 plans, etc. are pitched to “the masses” on a daily basis?
4 – What additional topics could be addressed that would increase my confidence? I think one relates to my answer to question three above. Why is this not more widely known? People are always afraid of the new and untested. My own research into Dividend Paying Whole Life Insurance confirms that it is neither new nor untested – in fact it is far older and has survived more shocks than nearly all of the other institutions/constructs where folks are saving and investing their money these days. But that is clearly not the perception – why? Another topic that I think would be useful to be explained in more detail is how one would draw on the cash value in their policies to take income during retirement. Perhaps a case study outlining a typical example and the options available?
5 – Can’t answer this one as I took this step back in 2009!
6 – Would I share this type of video with friends and family to help explain BOY? Absolutely! It is a great introduction to the concept. It certainly does not answer all the questions that one might have, but in six minutes it covers a lot of ground and provides a very good overview / education on the base concept.
7 – Keep spreading the word! There is no effort more noble than liberating others from financial servitude. Money should be a tool in one’s life that is an enabler to the achievement of goals. All too often our financial system reverses that and creates a situation where money becomes the yoke that defines the path. No matter what income level one is at, there is no time like the present to truly take control over that. BOY provides a terrific vehicle for those with desire and discipline to put themselves in control instead of allowing themselves to be controlled.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
I am just getting going. My current life insurance companies are scrambling to convince me to rethink this. Fat chance or slim chance, how ever you figure.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The whole video was great – what an artist!
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Why did it take me so long to decide to do this?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Read Pamela’s book!!
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
Not applicable to me.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I feel this type of video will really help as it is very catchy. I would really like all of them to see it and have them read Pamela’s book.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Thanks for a very extensive, informative website. You really leave no stone unturned. I just wish I did not have such a thick head. My adviser is top notch and patient, thank God.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes.
2. What was the best part of the video? Explaining that paying cash for something means losing interest. An excellent way to put it.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How can you be using money and it still is earning interest? This is something that is very important that one understands that ultimately the money is still there growing but it is also being used to finance what you want it for. Maybe a need to explain how the insurance company is able to do this and still maintain financial viability for themselves.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? I think you covered it all very well.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, because it is short and to the point. It gets the interest level to the point where an inquisitive mind will want to explore further. You have a lot of information in a short video. Maybe having actual live people being interviewed would add some personality to it. How about the beautiful Pamela Yellen herself?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Not entirely, I did request my analysis and started working with my adviser. I have started my term life policy and will begin my whole life policy as soon as my financial situation picks up.
2. What was the best part of the video? Creative and illustrates the concept very simply. This video recharged my interest in getting things rolling.
1. Don’t have a policy
2. Video was easy to watch,
3. I think that the cost of getting into this program compared to paying for typical life insurance policies should be better explained.
4. After reviewing this program, would my financial adviser advise me to utilize this program? my attorney? my accountant? If not, why not????
5. Interested, but not certain it is entirely legitimate.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
The simple, illustrated explanation told it like it is. No hype, no misleading promises. It was honest and easy to understand
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
I don’t think anything could be unclear. But my favorite thing was missing: I can take a loan and pay myself and my dividend from you is paid on my balance AND my loan as if it was still in my account!
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
I can take a loan and pay myself and my dividend from you is paid on my balance AND my loan as if it was still in my account!
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, and I will. facebook is my next stop!
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Thank you!!!!!!
I am just finishing my 4th year with my Bank on Yourself policy. I have financed a small gold purchase, the new car I bought last year, and am preparing to make my sister a loan to help her with the up-front money to pay for her daughter’s orthodontics. It’s simple and flexible to use. I love it!
I thought the video was a good way to present the information – it was novel and it captured and kept my attention. Even though shorter is desirable, I think if it ran just a bit slower, it would be better absorbed (hard to read everything on some of the drawings with more words). The ultra-quick movements of the hand in front of the ‘white board’ were kind of irritating and distracting. Can you just use a pen instead (w/no hand)?
I think the biggest hurdle in presenting this information is that it has to be purposely vague. That is, you can’t state a specific dollar amount to be paid each month to reap a certain dollar amount in a certain number of years. It has to be designed specifically to suit the individual opening the plan. Also, it’s hard to get past the fact that IT JUST SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, and we who’ve lived for a few decades know that this is a common sign of a scam and tend to be cynical.
I think this video would work well for current Bank on Yourselfers to show friends and family because the combination of an easy-to-understand video + their recommendation might draw more new people toward it. Something else you may want to think about if it’s not disclosing too much, is to compare how much a broker would earn from several common investments (like stock, mutual funds, bonds), to the comparable earnings of a BOY consultant. That fact may also put people’s minds at ease because there’s more to gain from the broker’s point of view with the other investments types.
1. No I do not use the plan but would like to see myself into it.
2. The best part is that this plan is for real.
3. Don’t really understand what it will take to get started.
4. Whether you have to be rich or poor. That is: how much do I have to put into the plan.
5. This is really tempting me to get an analysis because the markets my money in now is very likely to fail me.
6. Very likely.
7. Where are these representatives located and how to get in touch. How much info is needed for the analysis.
1. I don’t currently have a policy but am awaiting an analysis for consideration.
2. Best part of video: its simplicity. However, it did move rather quickly which might make it harder for others to follow if they hadn’t previously read up on it – I have, so followed it just fine.
3. Unclear: I currently have life insurance so understand the basics behind it. However, for those that don’t have life insurance and no background you could give a little more detail on how that works. Many people are under the misconception that life insurance money is only good when your dead – and what good is that to you?
4. Topics for confidence: Since BOY is smaller and less well known you might strengthen your presentation by mentioning a few of the major insurance companies that underwrite these policies – much more likely that others have heard of those firms and will be more comfortable moving forward.
5. More likely:)
6. Yes I would share it.
7. Other feedback: I would also like to see a few real number examples in the presentation. Obviously each policy is unique but I and others have no concept of the numbers possible here since no examples were ever given.
1 Do I have one? Yes; one of the reason I do have a this type of policy is precisely because of all the things listed on the video shown by the car example in the first 2 minutes.
2 What did I like best? I liked the fact the reasons that this product is better is listed at the very beginning of the video. I also like how the savings in taxes is mentioned as well as how it is explained how broker benefits later (rather than right up front) from your policy.
4 I hate testimonies because you never really know the people that give those glowing report. But unfortunately, this is not a product that is well known outside of a small circle. Unlike a product you buy on Amazon.com, you can’t check to see if normal people have used this, and been cheated or been frustrated. It might be worthwhile to have people using the policy talk to other who are interested, especially since this involves giving MONEY for an invisible intangible benefit. For some one considering it, but who haven’t done it yet, it MAY be true, but there are a lot of scam artists that bank on THEMselves that there are suckers looking for just such a good deal.
6 Yes. It’s short enough and pointed enough to give them the basic details.
But all my acquaintances have the Missouri Macguire Mindset: “SHOW ME THE MONEY.” (from the state and the movie) They will require more actual examples, and that will take more than a YouTube video, especially since it IS a YouTube video.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
It is a real approach that is simple enough for all.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
Just go my analysis and in the process of initiation
2. What was the best part of the video?
clear and precise
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Need to use number examples for people to understand. we know these plans are individual, but in order to catch more attention make comparisons of those with low to average incomes to help them realize that they may still be candidates for this program
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
As mentioned above
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Absolutely, because is very concrete
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Animations are amazing. Would also be ideal to give a bit more history of the program and why is not very much used. Why only 200 advisors for this program?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No.
2. What was the best part of the video? Informative.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? More likely.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Yes, I just got my policy. This video lays out all the features in a simple and entertaining fashion. It would have definitely led me to request mote information if I were not already a customer. The one question that I still have is that is there any penalty if you decide not to repay some or all of your loan? Does it just reduce your death benefit or does that only occur if you die with an outstanding loan? Also, a bit more clarification on the tax implications would be beneficial. I also think that some ballpark range of expected/ historical rate of return would be enticing especially in this low interest rate environment. I could certainly see myself sending this video to friends as an introduction to a different financial/ investment tool.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
How quickly the artist draws, but seriously it was the example of Walt Disney and JC Penny borrowing from their life insurance to buy a big ticket item (in their case a business).
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
The “Knowing how much you will have when you retire”. I currently have a plan and still don’t know how much I can count on when I retire.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Buying big ticket items thru this is what sold me on it, but I think if you explained more about “Knowing how much you will have when to use when you retire” and selling it more as a Much Better alternative to a 401K would be a big seller.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes this type of video does a good job of quickly explaining how the plan works, but there will always be skeptics out there who will pass this by as too good to be true.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
I originally heard about this on the radio, so I would keep doing radio ads, maybe a TV ad, just somehow getting the message out to people who are interested with an open mind to trying something different, because it is a very different way of financing then the old way we all grew up with.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No, but I have been looking into it for 1 week.
2. What was the best part of the video? I really liked the animation and Q & A style of presentation. The references to Walt Disney and JC Penny add credibility to the program.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How they can guarantee rates of return and dividends when the money is actually borrowed.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? More references to famous folks who have used it.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? More likley, will request one in a few minutes.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Keep on pushing, sounds like Americans needd this program to insure financial success.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
Using money in your BOY and still earn investment income as if the money were still there.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes, in fact I did share it.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
1. Not at this time.
2. Conveys a lot of info in a short amount of time.
3. The process/timeframe to access your money.
4. Did not mention the safe and decent return on investment.
5. Very convincing, right now cannot part with or rearrange any outgoing money – I will in the future.
6. Not using it but I would not hesitate to share as I see it’s value.
7. For 6 minutes it covers a lot of ground. Perhaps for those still on the fence you could have an optional additional video to more thoroughly cover the subject.
Can’t figure out how to complete a survey. Good video.
1. We’re not currently participating (do not own a BOY plan)
2. Liked all of it
3. The concept is clear. The reason we have not purchased is due to spending decisions. We had the analysis last year. We’ve changed what we spend on and will probably be contacting our BOY guy again if he hasn’t retired or died! I saved EVERYTHING.
4. This is a tough one. – I think others may have had to do some “soul searching” to decide which expenditures will continue. In our case, it has been necessary to change what we think we should continue to spend.
6. Even though we’re not a participant, I have told others about BOY. We are better off for going through a bit of the process analysis.
No, I’m not currently using Bank on Yourself but I’m currently received a Free Analysis from a very friendly advisor.
What was the best part of the video? The Best part of the video was how it appeal my child-side. (the animated version)
What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? I feel that I have about 80% clear understanding of what Bank on the Yourself concept.
What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? I think you all have done an excellent job at covering all topics.
If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? I’m in the process of getting a free analysis.
If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?No, I feel that this is an excellent to share with family, friends and co-workers. I feel that so many people feel they are doing right with 401K’s and other investments but are heading down the wrong path for their future.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?I would love to see a self calculation option on the website so that i could play with the number myself.
I do not currentlty utilize B.O.Y. This very creative and easy to follw video however, has inspired me to start. I want to buy a new car next year. This video helped clear up some issues for me. I am requesting an analysis as soon as I finish this survey. I would have requested one sooner but, I really want a kindle!
1.Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
2. What was the best part of the video?
The information was succinct and pretty thorough.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
What the least amount you can put in per month is.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Target a young audience (20-somethings) that do not think about retirement yet. Show the importance of starting young and putting away just a small amount and how that builds over the years and what it gives them for retirement – perhaps enabling early retirement or more “play time” in vacations, etc.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Unfortunately at this point I have no “extra” money that I would be able to put into any type of life insurance or savings plan. But if I did, yes. I am encouraging my adult children to participate.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Yes. I like the way the video explains the process.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Perhaps knowing how soon after starting the plan you will be able to borrow money.
My husband and I have just started our BOY policy and are looking at taking our first loan. I’m anxious to get this policy working for us.
Choosing the best part of the video is tough. It is done so well. The video doesn’t drag through time. It keeps a good pace and gives enough information to the listener to get the point across. The drawings are clear and the writing is readable.
The only question I might have is “Could I afford a policy like this?” “It must cost a fortune.” There is nothing that lets the average guy know that he can afford a policy that would build enough cash value to allow him to take loans on it even though I know he could.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?—See above comment
I have already posted this video on my Facebook page and I am going to send it to some other friends as well. I think it is a really good tool because it is so easy to understand.
Keep up the great work! I’m glad that you keep looking for better ways to get your message out to everyone.
#1 I’m not using bank on yourself.
#2 short and to the point (not boring)
#3 I’ve had life insurance thru employers but have never bought it myself. therefore unclear about what it will cost. is there extra cost?
#4 cost, health issues
#5 sounds like a good program and I’m interested
#6 NA
#7 no
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No
2. What was the best part of the video? clear, simple
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Never sure what to really trust these days.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Do something like “paper” investment where you take one average person’s retirement account for instance and compare results for that versus what would have been if person had Bank on Yourself instead.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? It reminds me that the stock market is a rigged system and I would like to find a better alternative that benefits the middle class and not have my money siphoned off to the top 0.1%.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? People seem closed down to things like this especially when it’s presented to them by a friend or family – that’s just my experience though.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? – No
2. What was the best part of the video? – In six minutes I learned more about Bank On Yourself than I have in all the other communications.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Nothing about the concept but I still need to know about cost/fees for ongoing consultations with Bank On Yourself advisors.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? No other topics and still keep the video short enough to attract people.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Much more likely.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Although I am not currently using Bank On Yourself, I am planning to share this with family especially and maybe friends and colleagues. Why? – Because I was impressed by the concise information the video transmits.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? I would like to know what kind of financial information will be required for the free Analysis. I did not see that information in the video, but it may not be appropriate to be in it.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No.
2. What was the best part of the video? I didn’t have to take the time to read the whole book.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Nothing for me. I used to hold an insurance license along with the series 6 and 63 stock license, so when I glanced at the Bank on Yourself material I assumed it was a VUL and was shocked you were garanteeing growth.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? For me, I would like to see just a bit more on how the Bank on Yourself whole life policy is different than a regular whole life policy. Maybe even touch a bit on how it is different from a VUL policy.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Yes,I will be requesting my analysis!
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? N/A
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? This video is a good teaser. If I take a moment to think like my father (retired accountant and credit union president) I would want to see more details. I would add the details to this video, I would create antoher one for those people who need just a bit more infomation. A side-by-side example of the money saved using bank on yourself as apposed to the traditional bank method would help.
Let me tell you something. I was my own worst enemy. I went against all my financial principals and got heavy in debt with credit cards. I was looking at filing bankruptcy. Then I took a look at my Bank On Yourself Policy. I quickly realized this was my financial way out. I took a loan from it, no questions asked (as the video said it’s your money) and paid them off. Let me tell you, what a relief. All of this stress was taken off my back. I wish I had this program in place years ago. There is a saying ” bad things happen to good people” Also “it’s ok to be a copy cat as long as you copy the right cat” I am so happy I copied Pamela Yellen on Bank On Yourself.
Can I use existing IRA money to fund your program?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? The information is very compelling and covers many of the major objections (like the amount of commissions paid being high).
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Very clear.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Unless I missed it, needs to reassure that the cost is not necessarily incremental to current expenditures, often just reallocating.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? NA
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Absolutely!! Its easier to get people to view a video than to read so I would love to be able automate sending this out.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
1-no i do not have this program but i’m interested.
2- the video was short and to the point
3-howit is different from a whole life policy
4-maybe an example of how it works
5-i have requested an analysis but never heard back
6-yes i would love to share with family once i use it and know it works
7 no other feedback at this time
The presentation was very good. I am still unsure how whole life compares to universal life policies. Is the B O Y whole life different from the same concept with a Universal life policy? Is one better for investments than the other?
No other type of life insurance product comes with as many guarantees as whole life insurance. The ONLY piece of a dividend-paying whole life policy that’s not guaranteed is the dividend.
The more I learn about universal life policies, the less I like them.
I encourage you to read these two non-biased articles comparing universal life and equity-indexed universal life to whole life, and then come to your own conclusion:
Equity Indexed Universal Life versus Dividend Paying Whole Life
Whole Life Insurance vs. Universal Life Insurance
I hope this helps!
Am I keep borrowing against the policy till I die?Is that the system?
1. I do not use BOY yet. I had the analysis & am looking into opening an account.
2. Best part of the video is the straightforward visual explanation.
3. The emphasis is on giving yourself a loan. What if I never take out a loan? Does it increase even faster?
4. Maybe explain more about the life insurance policy.
5. I’ve already had the analysis. This video was more of a reminder that I need to get back to my adviser and open the account.
6. I would definitely share about BOY once I see how it is working for me.
7. How about doing another video with examples of statistics from actual policy-holders of various income levels, & lifestyles. Why are there only 200 advisers?
I have an advisor but I have not yet pulled the trigger.
1. Are the policies available in currencies other than US$ ?
2. How will impending Euro-failure (& US$-failure) be reflected in solvency of the BOY insurance companies and the growth of the cash value and death benefit?
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? Short, fun easy to understand.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? As a user – nothing
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? stressing the length of time this concept has been in practice and the safety versus the stock market
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? n/a
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Certainly, it fits right in with current styles of communication and does a good job of explaining the basics
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
I am glad I heard about the program on the radio and checked it out, I have used it twice and have been very happy I had it to turn to.
1. No, not yet
2. The animation is pretty cool and the lack of over enthused, crazy claims of super wealth is appreciated.
3. The policy and how it works as so many vehicles. I heard it being a life insurance policy, a source of money, a retirement income source, and a vehicle with rapid growth but no real information of how any of that works or even a name (besides whole life)
4. Maybe more about the concept of a whole life policy and more about how a traditional policy works vs. this one. Or at least state the things that traditional policies do with a comment to indicate that this policy can do more or better.
5. It’s neither more or less likely. I suppose since it didn’t deter me in any way, that’s a positive and it did peak my interest in getting moving regarding obtaining more information but I don’t know if I’d attribute that specifically to the video or me coming across this note in my email and reminding myself that I need to get moving!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
“Of Course”
2. What was the best part of the video?
The fact that it has a ash falue that you can borrow
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
How long does it take to build up a cash value equity that you can borrow from
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
A better borrowing incentive for new comers that don’t have a cash equity to dump in all at once
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
Based on the testimonies in the video and web, I joined
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I did share. Thats I want to become an advisor.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
All I can say is marketing works, As a filmmaker I have some big potential clients
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No but I would or will If I ever again have a steady income to pay the premiums.
2. What was the best part of the video?
I pay myself back not a big corporate bankster.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
At age 55 how long before I could borrow from any decent size cash value.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Where is the money being invested that it is so confident I will get a good steady return. And what protection do I have when the $ fiat currency collapses, which seems very near?
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
More. I did the request and was told that with my current financial situation I would not be able to pay the premiums. Hopefully things will change. I believe the concept is rock solid and in line with my personal habits and beliefs.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I do not use at this time but DO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THE SYSTEM.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Nothing at present.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Not yet. I found out about BOY a few months ago, and am attempting to get my husband to agree to scheduling a consultation.
2. What was the best part of the video? Loved the cartoons – they were cute but got the point across!
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? We are wary because the whole concept sounds too good to be true. My husband got burned on a whole life policy years ago which was supposed to pay for itself eventually, but never did. We ended up going to term life after that. He is quite skeptical about whole life policies now as you can imagine!
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? I would love to see additional details put into the video, as I think my husband would be more likely to agree to scheduling a consultation with more information up front. For instance, you should give an idea of how much money it takes to fund a BOY policy. It would be especially helpful for you to give an example of a “typical family” with growing children and walk through how to fund and use your policy! (Our first child will likely be heading to college in 4 years and I would like to know how that would affect a BOY policy purchase.)
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? It hasn’t changed my likelihood of requesting an analysis because he doesn’t feel we have enough details to feel comfortable scheduling an appointment. The video was a great introduction to the concept, but many more specifics are needed first.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? N/A
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? One part of the video discusses being able to borrow money from your BOY policy if you have poor credit. We have an excellent rating, plus my husband can also borrow from his 401K with no penalties, so that really isn’t a big benefit to us (and probably many others watching it). We would like to know how BOY stacks up against matching 401K funds (“free money”) put in very conservative investments? Also, it would be great to know how a BOY policy can continue growing even if money is borrowed from it and how much interest is charged.
Thank you! Lori 😉
1. We are about to have our analyis.
2. The part on the video I liked best is the demonstration of living without debt. Our whole economic structure is designed to to get people to live in debt and never get off that treadmill.
3. How the policy actually works and its terms. I would also be interested to know how cash value holds up under either severe inflation and/or deflation.
4. How the policy actually works, its terms, and the stability of the companies that issue the policies.
5. Already doing that.
6. Not until I understand it better.
7. I suspect once I get done with my analysis I will have a number of questions answered. A number of concepts within this framework I am familiar with.
1. I am in the process right now.
2. The video is simple and to the point – perfect for its purpose.
3. I believe I need to simply walk through the door and begin to use it.
4. It’s fine like it is.
5. Confirmed and clarified what I have been learning.
6. I am going to expose my family to it.
7. No other feedback.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No
2. What was the best part of the video? Short and to the point
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? I understand the concept but (see next question)
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Explain how our money can grow exponentially when everything else in the world seems to be falling apart.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? n/a
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Yes, I would love to share it with my kids and grandkids.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
I have 2 questions: Is it possible to make it work for us as we’re in our 60s (I’m 68, husband is 64)? Is it possible to put in irregular lump sums? (Obviously to make up for lost time because we didn’t know about it 40 years ago.)
I had an analyis . Talked to an adviser . he was not very patient when it came to finding a way fund my BOY . I had a lot of debt and I did not want barrow from from my 401 account , turned out I had to help my mom finacially. I was not sure if I could commit to 250 dollars a month at that time. I have been paying down my credit card debt
I am still interested , still looking at how to fund my BOY . I want to at least have a 1000.00 emergency fund in place
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Not yet but looking into it.
2. What was the best part of the video? Different ways to finance a major purchase.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How much interest you will pay for borrowing the money and how much interest you are still gaining while the money is borrowed.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? I’d like to understand the answers to number three so I can compare this type of investment with others.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? Not really because I already knew about these special features.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? NA
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
My advisor is the best. Wish I would have started my policy years ago.
Looking forward to a future of my own.
I have the book and have received an analysis. At this point I cannot free up the cash. I am working on increasing my income to start banking on myself. A sample breakdown of a policy for a healthy person in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s would be helpful and very revealing about why our children need to start early.
The book explains very well how to speed up wealth creation by using your cash instead of leaving it in the account. A simplified example of two couples in their 20’s: One who uses their “bank” and the other who just lets it build, would show how using “your own bank” really increases your wealth.
I will be showing this video to my married children.
could not play video, would like to enter contest
My wife and I set up our Bank on Yourself accounts and as soon as possible we borrowed to pay off a car loan and a large credit card debt so we could put the interest in our own pocket. We are spreading the word, our biggest problem is it sounds to good to be true! In this case it is true!! Thank you.
please enter me in the contest, have health issues been denied insurance.
Looks and sounds good to me.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No, not yet, but will definitely be looking into it very shortly.
2. What was the best part of the video?
First the best part, was the video itself, so imaginative and eyecatching. Can say it was like one of the best commercials I have ever seen. Another thing is that it shows how can save so much, not towards retirement but to toally savings through a life time.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? How much you can really save percentage wise and really how much more the insurance policies are as compared to regular life insuarnce policies.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
To show real samples of exact differences, which can be very easy to do, and not just say can save money. People do like to see specific examples of comparison.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
Yes, I would consider callig and find an advisor and find out exactly what the difference in prices would be in specific policies and find out with those prices what I can expect to save in the future.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
I do not use Bank On Yourslef presently, but if I did it would definitely make it a bit easier to explain.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Like I mentioned before, the video was definitely very eye catching and very imaginative.
Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? no, but plan to shortly
Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? it would be a better video if you were interviewing real folks that have had and used the product for some period of time; also, inserting a few figures that typify returns as well as loan costs would bolster the concept. One other thing, it would also help if you had a computer program that would project an outcome as you age and navigate through the program with information such as including monthly outlay, insurance death benefit levels, what happens as you use program for financing, use a bonus to further the program, etc. Make the program where one could save it and do thier own projections so they become very comfortable with the concept which should assist in expanding your customer base.
I have seen these types of videos before and they are very powerful and compelling. Audio/visual marketing always has its advantages. There are many ways a product can be presented and this is probably one of the best. My wife and I are not currently using the program but have contacted an adviser and look forward to seeing the method up close and personal.
Great Financial Concept. I bought a Whole Life Insurance Policy from Josh Jalinski.After I bought the Policy I heard Pamela Yellen on Josh Jalinski show on WOR Radio. Pamela gave a Tremendous Endorsement on the Whole Life Concept and I decided to buy her Book- Bank on Yourself. The Book is well writen and easy to Understand. I enjoyed the part of Firing your Banker. The Video is outstanding and everyone that reads the book and watch the video should definetely take advantage and purchase Whole Life Insurance Policy. I plan on buying a Policy for each of my Six Granddaughters.
Boy, I wish my retirement funds could grow as quickly as that illustrator’s hand moved in that video!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No, but I plan to look into it
2. What was the best part of the video?
It was original and although it may have been a bit long held my attention
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
Details of the plan
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Maybe I missed it, but how long has it been around and how many have used it.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
1) Yes, we have two policies
2) Concise and to the point
3) Crystal clear
4) I think this was great.
1.No, but am definitely interested.
2.Short, did not give you time to wander off in thought.
3.What are the possible down sides to “BOY”?
4.Explain whether “BOY” is an annuity or not.
5.Yes it did.
6.I am not currently using this system, but constantly asking those who are financially set in their lives if they have heard of or know this system? I am reminded too often that if something sounds too good to be true, it usually isn’t true.
7.I would like to be able to overcome my skepticism about this system and prove to others that there is something out there to help the little guy; ie. family members, friends that have never had someone they could trust with investing for their future.
good video but to fast and no I don’t have bank on yourself yet
I am not currently using the program, but I plan to do so very soon. I am in the middle of a real estate transaction, and as soon as we get settled in, I plan to move forward with the analysis.
Having read the book first, the video explains the basics of the program which should entice even the most skeptical person to request more information. Well done!
As I just mentioned, the video does a great job explaining the basics. I’m sure that anything that is unclear to most folks will be explained in detail upon requesting an analysis.
You could use some real life examples as to how quickly the money in your account accumulates and how and when you begin to be able to tap into those resources for the stated purposes.
The video certainly would make me more likely to request an analysis. I work in advertising, so if it’s convincing to me, I’m sure that it will convince others as well. As I mentioned earlier, I have a couple of personal reasons why I haven’t yet taken advantage of the program, but I hope to do so in the very near future.
If I were already using the program, I’m sure that I would want everyone I know to see this video to back up my claim as to the success of the program.
Just for the record, I am a fan of Dave Ramsey and also John Commuta who both offer similar programs about the proper use of money and how to get the most out of it. They both focus on getting people out of debt first and getting them to the point where they can then begin to invest and grow wealth. Do I agree with everything they say? Obviously not since I am also intrigued by the possibilities that the Bank On Yourself program offers. Much can be learned from both of these gentlemen, each of whom have experienced being both well off and flat broke, and I have in fact benefited by being exposed to both of them. Although I highly recommend their programs, I also believe in always looking for a better way, and Bank On Yourself makes perfect sense if it works the way you say it does.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
No, I do not currently use Bank on Yourself.
2. What was the best part of the video?
The video was engaging and pointed. Much information was covered in the six minute window. It was certainly persuasive.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
What remain unclear about the Bank on Yourself concept is the out-of-pocket expenses I am responsible for. How much does this program cost me? If I am already living paycheck-to-paycheck, then how could I honestly afford to send money to an “investment portfolio” with your company? If this is supposed to help a person acquire wealth, then why are you offering whole life insurance policies? I listen to Dave Ramsey and he is a huge advocate for term life. Whole life only makes the issuer rich. How many people ever use the funds, supposed funds, in a whole life policy?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
Topics that many people are hungry for are debt elimination, saving on a shoe-string income, college for the below low-income family, renters have rights – so know them. In my home, I bring in the majority of the income. My family size is 6 and I am a teacher. We are in debt and my husband and I have never owned a home – chances are we may never own a home. Our credit is below the toilet, it is in the sewer. Your program comes off as something like the lottery to people like me. I bring my meager dollar and hope that I will strike it rich like the other people on your program. The reality for me is that there is no expendable income by which to gamble on. So, how can you help me?
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
This video piqued my interest, but as I stated before, it’s like the lottery. I feel that the free analysis would only further entice me to dream about something that is illusive for me. Furthermore, I listen to Dave Ramsey. I don’t want whole life insurance or anything that is disguised like it. So, how can you help me?
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? This question doesn’t pertain to me.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Offer methods of walking with low socioeconomic folk and video journal their stories. Due to the severity of their situation, it may take more time than a free analysis report. It may take time that some companies aren’t willing to invest pro bono. However, if you want to have a greater sphere of influence, then what better way than walking with the truly poor and seeing their lives change. Like the video, images have powerful persuasive appeal.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes, my wife ans I have started the process of becoming our own BANKER
2. What was the best part of the video?
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? At some point there are maybe to many legal or banking terms for the blue collar.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
he fact that the insurance company is a protected more than the stock market or the banks in current banking problems.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
This is were I found that there is something missing, I do not known of the legal obligations but there needs to be someway to show that the more you us the system and gains more money in the policy. The more it is used which is oppuse of the banking system, in that system the more you use it the less money you have.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
Have not started to use the system.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
no not at this time.
The video moved a little quick up front but overall made a strong communication on the basic principles of the program. The concept was not new to me.I agree with the concept and I am in the middle of proceeding to go through with it. But I have to wait on my knee surgery that take place in a week. I guess if I survive the surgery they’ll write a policy. But I really understand the concept and want to do it. It makes a lot more sense that any other type of financial plan. As the video moved through to the later part is was easier to digest and understand.
Some of the images although simple were a little confusing because they didn’t stay up long enough to recognize the thing they were supposed to communicate.
Overall I got the feeling I was being rushed through it and would like more time to consider the points that are made. As a cartoonist myself I thought the drawings were just a little too stiff and the images were not as smooth as they could have been. Especially the hands and feet of the characters which are always difficult to cartoon. You’re probably saying why is he concern with that? But if it looks unprofessional is detracts from the message. The basic viewer will not analysis it that close but mentally put it in a category of a lessor product and may not buy the concept that it represents. Any way that’s my thoughts.
1. I have an appt.Tues.12pm
2. Very interesting
3. That you can borrow against it use for retirement
4. you could show how long it takes to be vested and how long it takes
5 Yes and I have my meeting Tues.12pm
6. not using yet
7. you need to give more information out not just get a free analysis
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes, for the last 3 years.
2. What was the best part of the video? Entertaining and easy to understand.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Nothing, I use it and it works.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? More about the banks that provide this type of account and their stability.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? I am using it, have recommended it to others.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Yes, something quick, simple and easy to understand is always better than long boring reports.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Openning a Bank On Yourself was one of the best financial moves that I have made.
No, I do not use BOY.
The animation was fun!
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? Yes
2. What was the best part of the video? A very good, simplified explanation of how a whole life policy can be structured for living benefits.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? While I fully understand how it works, it needs to be stressed that to take full advantage of the benefits, you must pay yourself back, until retirement.
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Acknowledgements that you can’t overfund your policy to the point of a MEC, that you need to pay yourself back, and it does take some time to build the bank in the beginning.
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? N / A
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? Yes, it does a good job of explaining a complex financial product in English.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
Having read the book, and advising people to maximize their Paid Up Additions, there does need to be an acknowledgement of MEC, build time, and the need to pay yourself back until it’s time to SLIRP.
1. No, but seriously considering.
2. Simple and easy to understand.
3. How the insurance companies are able to pay you dividend as if you didn’t borrow from the cash value.
4. More reassurance that $ will not be lost; how the insurance co invests your money; how much of your premium actually goes to buy insurance.
5. N/A — I already have an analysis. I just need to do more research on it.
6. Not yet doing BOY, but I’ve already shared the video to several of my family. Hopefully, we’ll be able to tap and encourage more savers out there.
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?
-I started one but had to quit because my income from my self employed work dropped significantly
2. What was the best part of the video?
-I like that it was short
I like how simple it was. It uses both audio and visual to help one understand the concept.
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept?
-Is it better to start with a little like $50/month or wait one can put in at least 200 or more a month?
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?
-A comparison to other investment vehicles, stocks, bonds, savings/
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?
It makes me want to seriously consider starting one again even with minimal cash flow.
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?
-This is a simple tool that can easily be shared with friends and family. I find most people have trouble reading books. Most people like watching movies anyways.
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us?
It might be nice to have a series of videos that are similar that touch on other specific topics in the Bank on Yourself Program.
1.I do not currently have a BOY policy
2.I think the video touches all the main points of a BOY policy in an entertaining way.
5. I had an analysis done and it was very informative. My wife is not on board with it though.
7. I keep going back and forth about starting a BOY policy because the stock market seems to be tracking positively this year, but at the same time I had done the analysis on my 401k and it has bounced all over the place and averageout less than a BOY policy. The losses are actually larger than what was reported and that could happen again right when I need it the most. I don’t like that prospect. I want my money to do earn the most for me.
Why is there only 200 advisors For all the years
this programmes been around
I do have a policy right now
This video says exactly the same things the old videos do and all the write ups
I’d like to hear different ways to exercise my policy to make a grill
I’d like to hear how are the people have made their policies grow and just be at low income not like the ones in the book
This new video said exactly the same thing the all the old ones do
There are only 200 Authorized Advisors because we’re picky and turn down 90% or more applicants. We think your financial security if pretty important and shouldn’t be trusted to just any agent. I hope you feel the same way.
We have profiled many people who talk about the ways they’ve used the policy to make it grow.
For starters, check out our page of stories of Bank On Yourself clients.
Also – read chapters 7-11 of my best-selling book for more.
1. Yes, I have had this program for 6 months
2. It was simple but specific on the way the program works for the individual
3. NOTHING! My wife and I met with our adviser yesterday and had several questions cleared up.
4. Explain in the video a little more on the how’s of money still growing even if you take a loan out
5. I want to share it with as many people as possible
6. Yes. You can pause it, go back over areas that you didn’t catch the first time and get a lot of questions answered.
7. It would be advantageous to have other videos showing how the program can relate to us with various examples
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself?no
2. What was the best part of the video? interesting to watch
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? a little, not sure what costs would be
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself?cost ranges
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors?more likely
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not?N/A
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? Nice presentation
1. Do you currently use Bank On Yourself? No
2. What was the best part of the video? Very easy to follow and understand
3. What is still unclear about the Bank On Yourself concept? Nothing
4. What topics could we address that you think would give people more confidence to consider Bank On Yourself? Nothing
5. If you do not currently use Bank On Yourself, did this video make you more likely or less likely to request a free Analysis and get a referral to one of the Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisors? More likely to use this. I will be requesting the free analysis..
6. If you are currently using Bank On Yourself, do you feel that this type of video is something you could share with family, friends and colleagues to help them understand this method of managing your finances? Why or why not? I am not using, but I do feel that I could share this with family, friends and colleagues….
7. Is there any other feedback you’d like to give us? None at this time…Thank you for providing this video…
I have BOY policy. It does take some time to accumulate cash value……….Up to 5 years. And the older you are when you start, the higher your premiums will be. Borrowing is very easy but they do charge you interest 6%. There are no questions asked and the check arrives in a couple of days. I got into it for a retirement account and am still now sure how it will all works. Wish I had found it sooner. I have tried to recommend the BOY to family and friends, but the concept is difficult to explain.
While you do pay interest on policy loans, that interest ultimately benefits you. This is explained in detail in our Consumers Guide to Policy Loans.